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Home of Skating Champions


Canadian Figure Skating Championships cancelled

Skate Canada announced that the 2021 Canadian National Championships in Vancouver, British Columbia have been cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. The event was originally scheduled for January 11–17, 2021, but was postponed to Feb. 8-14, 2021.


“We are deeply saddened for all athletes, coaches, and supporting individuals who are impacted by this decision and appreciate the incredible efforts to overcome ever-evolving training and access challenges to best prepare athletes for these events,” said Leanna Caron, Skate Canada President said in a release to the media Jan. 11.


Due to the continuous shift in requirements across the country, the inability of our athletes to train due to the closure of ice rinks and the number of participants that would be required to travel, it became clear that it would not be possible to host these events,” said Debra Armstrong, CEO, Skate Canada. “The health and safety of our community is our priority and we thank you all for taking the necessary precautions and doing what you can to limit the spread of COVID-19.”


In October 2020, Skate Canada announced that Vancouver will host the 2021 Skate Canada International in October.